On July 26, 2020, a group of about two dozen club members and guests with 17 Teslas gathered at the Port Orange Supercharger parking lot in the morning for another scenic drive and In-Car activity. The route took us up the beautiful A1A Atlantic Ocean Highway to the Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail.
I want to thank Event Coordinator Tom Siceloff for planning this event and leading the caravan.
Thomas, one of our members from Ocala, became a bit of a celebrity by bringing his Midnight Silver Metallic Model Y. I was one of the paparazzi taking plenty of photos.
After driving the beautiful Ormond Scenic Loop & Trail, one thing was abundantly clear, Teslas were ideally suited for this natural marvel where the posted signs said “Drive Quitely.”
Here are some photos:
Here's Thomas, the owner of a Model Y and an immediate celebrity.
Here's Thomas again with me caught in the act of being the paparazzi.
My wife, Mary Ellen, is either doing her very best impression of the Village People, or is letting us know that there's a Model Y in attendance.
Here's some photos of those in attendance.
The next set of photos show us lining up for the silent caravan.
The next series of photos is driving through the Ormond Scenic Loop.
While waiting at the Port Orange Supercharger to charge for our trip home, we were greeted by a curious onlooker.
Are you a Tesla enthusiasts and feeling a bit of cabin fever during the pandemic? If you're not a member, but would like to participate in our next Scenic Drive or a Virtual Meetup, please click on the Join Us menu item at the top of the page.
Larry Chanin
President, Florida Tesla Enthusiasts
email: lfchanin@gmail.com
Website: teslaownersflorida.org
Facebook: Florida Tesla Enthusiasts