Here's a vicinity map of the location.

Here's a Google view of the site:

Here's a photo from the County's Property records.

Update as of October 23, 2020.

The Toyota signage has been removed.

It appears that Tesla will be installing five level 2 Wall Connectors.
Update as of October 28, 2020.

Our guess that they would be installing Tesla Wall Connectors was correct. Here are five.
Update as of October 29, 2020.

On the left is a close up of the rear of one of the Tesla Wall Connectors. Each Connector has a 60 amp disconnect switch which means that these are Gen 3, 48 amp Wall Connectors. Also note on the right is the front of the Connector and each is enclosed in a plywood box, presumably to prevent public charging.

Another view of the enclosures around the Wall Connectors.
Update as of November 1, 2020.
The next three photos show the new security lighting that has been installed.

Update as of December 3, 2020.

This Service Center had a soft opening on November 30, 2020. It is scheduling service appointments.
There still isn't any office furniture. Our club hosted the Regional Service Manager for a Virtual Meetup with our members this week. He indicated that service operations was a priority but he plans to open sales operations next year.
The Service Center now has five operational Destination Chargers. Please note that these chargers are not for public charging. They are for the Service Center operations.
Here's a close up of one of the new Gen3 Tesla Wall Connectors with tempered glass faceplate. They have a maximum capacity of 48 amps and require a Wi-Fi connection to configure them for operation. Tesla plans to issue a firmware upgrade that will permit up to 16 Gen3 Wall Connectors to share power.
Tesla Service Van.
Update as of December 4, 2020.

It is reported that there are numerous Tesla awaiting service.
Update as of December 6, 2020.

More security.
Note the "X" design. I wonder if this Model S came from 
Update as of January 17, 2021.

It appears that work continues on the build-out of the Sales Operations, along with deliveries of new vehicles.

There is some speculation that these covered Model Ss might be the new refreshed design.
Update as of January 26, 2021.

I am informed that the body shop across the street, MITCHCO Collison Repair, is getting Tesla certified.
Updated February 10, 2021.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Tesla management has requested that we refrain from taking photos on their property after regular business hours. I respectfully ask everyone to comply. After regular business hours, people on Tesla's property may learn that their photo and vehicle information was forwarded to local law enforcement for follow-up. Please do not enter the service area without being escorted by Tesla employees due to safety and security concerns.
Updated March 17, 2021.
New signage.
Larry Chanin
President, Florida Tesla Enthusiasts
email: lfchanin@gmail.com
Website: teslaownersflorida.org
Facebook: Florida Tesla Enthusiasts