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St. Petersburg Supercharger Station is Operational (Public)

February 21, 2021 5:35 PM | Anonymous member

Please scroll down to the bottom of the article for current status.

The above photo of the St. Petersburg Supercharger Station under construction was posted to Facebook.  It is not listed as a “Coming Soon” Supercharger on Tesla’s official Find Us page. It is located at a Wawa at 3637 34th St S, St. Petersburg, FL 33711.

Here is the permit:

Digging a little deeper into public records it states:

Tesla proposes to Install an Electric Vehicle Charging station at Wawa consisting of (2) V3 SUPERCHARGER CABINETS, (8) V3 CHARGING POSTS, (1) MASTER CONTROLLER, (1) SWITCHGEAR ASSEMBLY, and (1) UTILITY TRANSFORMER.


Install 1500 amp rated MLO MDP w/2-700 amp 480 volt breakers feeding 1-each Tesla charging cabinet. Each charging cabinet has 4-350 amp devices feeding 4-250 KW DC charging posts. Install 30 amp 277 volt circuit to site controller.

Here is a vicinity map:

The red arrows marks the location. It is 22 miles south of the Pinellas Supercharger Station.

Update as of December 4, 2020.

Update as of December 5, 2020.

This concrete pad is for two Supercharger cabinets and the main switchgear.

Update as of December 28, 2020.

Main switchgear in front with two version 3 Supercharger cabinets behind it.

Another view of switchgear and Supercharger cabinets along with the charging posts.

The installed utility transformer and meter on the left is probably for service to the Wawa.  The concrete pad and empty meter cabinet is for a future utility transformer and meter for service to the Supercharger station.

Eight charging posts, seven back in, one pull in.

Update as of January 4, 2020.

Another view of the vacant transformer pad.

Another view of all 8 charging posts.

Update as of February 21, 2021.

The Saint Petersburg Supercharger Station is operational.

Larry Chanin

President, Florida Tesla Enthusiasts

email:             lfchanin@gmail.com

Website:          teslaownersflorida.org

Facebook:        Florida Tesla Enthusiasts

Florida Tesla Enthusiasts, Inc. is an enthusiast club and 501(c) 7 non-profit organization. It is registered with the Florida Department of State and is also registered to do business in Florida as Tesla Owners Florida.

The use of the trademarked name "Tesla" in our club names is strictly for the nominative purposes of description and identification as granted by the Lanham Act for fair use of trademarks. Its use is in no way intended to imply any business affiliation with Tesla or its subsidiaries.

Our club is an official partner of the Tesla Owners Club Program. While it is recognized and sanctioned by Tesla through the program, Florida Tesla Enthusiasts, a/k/a Tesla Owners Club of Florida, is an independent enthusiast organization and is not affiliated with Tesla or its subsidiaries. TESLA, MODEL S, MODEL X, MODEL 3, POWERWALL and the “TESLA,” “T” and “TESLA and T Flag” designs, and certain other marks, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla Motors, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

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