For the most current information, please scroll down to the bottom of the article.
On October 20, 2020, Tesla submitted a permit application for a new Supercharger Station at a Wawa in Jacksonville. It is located at 5735 Philips Hwy, Jacksonville, FL 32216. On December 17, 2020, the permit was issued.
The permit is for a 12-stall, Version 3 Supercharger Station.
Here is a vicinity map:

The new Supercharger Station will be only 3 miles from the Jacksonville Service Center, and about 6 miles west of the existing Supercharger Station at Gate Parkway and the Jacksonville Store.
Update as of June 22, 2021.
Tesla broke ground on this installation in April and by May it appears all of Tesla's equipment has been installed. However, I am informed that the local utility has yet to install the service cables.
In the rear of the Wawa on the east side of the parking lot, 12 charging posts have been installed.
If you live or work nearby, please take some high-resolution photos of the construction progress and send them to me.
Larry Chanin
President, Florida Tesla Enthusiasts
email: lfchanin@gmail.com
Website: teslaownersflorida.org
Facebook: Florida Tesla Enthusiasts